News Manager
Department of Human Services Reduction in Force
Department of Human Services Members:
We wanted to make you aware that the Department of Human Services is preparing plans for indefinite layoff of employees that will affect NEREs. This includes, but is not limited to, closing the SSPC East and West offices. The projected commencement date of these layoffs is on or after February 15, 2015. At the bottom of this article are links that members may find helpful regarding the Employment Preference Rights, Layoffs and Retirement Information.
The DHS - NERE preference policy can be located on the Human Resources tab of the DHS Net by clicking on the link to the Employee Handbook. Notices of layoffs to employees will be provided in accordance with the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Members should note that NEREs do not complete an Employment Preference Form.
Should there be any layoffs notices to employees will be provided in accordance with the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Any member with questions please call the MAGE office at 1-800-477-6243 or email us at: