News Manager

Voting now open for Ratification of the changes to the MAGE Constitution

Below is the resolution as adopted by the General Council Delegates on May 19, 2018.   This change requires a ratification vote of the membership to take affect. Please login to the MAGE Website, select the "Member Resources" tab, Voting and Elections.     Thank you in advance for voting today!

SUBJECT:                          MAGE Constitution Article VI, Section 2,  Bylaws Article V.,  Section 7 (b)
PRESENTED BY:                MAGE Constitution and Bylaws Committee
DATE PRESENTED:            March 15, 2018

Whereas the MAGE Constitution and the MAGE Bylaws appears to be in conflict with each other, and
Whereas this is a housekeeping resolution to clarify the intent, or at least an ambiguity between the two,
Now therefore be it resolved that the Constitution Article VI, Board of Directors, Section 2 be amended as follows:

            Section 2.  The Board shall consist of the officers of MAGE, and the District Directors and the Deputy District Directors. Deputy Directors serve on the Board in the absence of the District Director.

If you prefer to have a paper ballot sent to you, please contact the MAGE office at 1-800-477-6243, please note that you may only vote once, either online or by paper ballot.